Mike Guerrette had a dream – to help more of his brothers and sisters in Christ find or transition into careers they found more meaningful and fulfilling, careers where they could really place the talents and passion God had given them at the service of others, and build Christ’s Kingdom on earth. From this dream was born St. Faustina’s “Career Transition Ministry” (CTM).
Finding employment – not to mention meaningful and fulfilling employment – in our current economic condition can be difficult at best. But in March 2017, when Mike launched CTM, the situation was even worse. The unemployment rate had risen to 4.5%. Out of necessity and desperation, nearly ¾ of all college graduates were taking entry-level positions in areas unrelated to their field of study. And most of them had little hope of ever working in their chosen field because they’d started their career off on the wrong foot.
The Dream Becomes Reality
Mike founded CTM with the mission to provide its attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful career transitions. “Mike had experienced the benefits of this type of program in his own career,” says CTM volunteer John Gillespie. “He felt there would be a need for this type of program within the parish.”
He was right. Statistics show that people born between 1977 and 1997 transition careers every 3 years. And even the Baby Boomer generation has an average job tenure of only 4.5 years. That’s why, since its beginning just two short years ago, over 300 people have gone through CTM’s program. “They come from all walks of life,” John told us. “Engineers, accountants, doctors, moms re-entering the work world, recent college graduates. We’ve helped them all develop the skills and confidence necessary to compete and secure jobs they find more meaningful and fulfilling.”
In addition to the training these 300 people have received at CTM, Randall Wu – a fellow volunteer – mentions, “We’ve also helped approximately 100 people rebuild their resumes so that their professional experience story can more quickly be appreciated by the resume recipient.”
Training for Success and Fulfillment
The core of CTM’s ministry is their free 7-week training program. Meeting every Monday morning from 9 until noon, this program helps attendees assess their strengths, craft their professional story, build an attention-grabbing resume, leverage the power of LinkedIn, connect and communicate within their network, and nail the interview. Most recently they’ve also added a session specifically on money management.
For now, the classes and small groups are lead by a group of passionate volunteers. But don’t let that fool you. “The volunteers are professionals from all walks of life,” John affirms. “They’ve generally been involved in the hiring process as hiring managers or recruiters.” Randall adds, “They use that experience to provide support and understanding to the CTM attendees.”
In addition to the 7-week training program, CTM also offers free reviews of resumes and LinkedIn profiles, as well as practice interview sessions and networking opportunities. And if at any point during the process you discover a need for deeper spiritual direction, CTM volunteers are happy to connect you with good spiritual directors who will help you grow in the life of faith while you grow your career.
If You’re Considering a New Career…
John Gillespie has one piece of advice for you. “You need to recognize that you’re not an expert at job searching. You’re an expert in your job, not in the process of hunting for a job. That’s why you need to seek help to make sure you are doing the right things to give yourself the best opportunity to compete for the job you want. With the right help and knowledge, you’ll be better positioned, prepared, and confident during your search.”
If you’d like to attend CTM’s free 7-week training program, need someone to review your resume, or simply feel a little unsettled in your current job and are considering changing careers, then be sure to reach out to John or Randall at: ctm@saintfaustinachurch.org.