“Sharing Jesus’ Divine Mercy is our call,” Jim Dillingham shares. Since we know that children learn better in environments in which they are comfortable, the Guardian Angel Ministry is helping ensure the next generation is well-formed in faith.
In the wake of the abuse scandals involving minors in the Church that came to light recently, Jim Dillingham and his wife, Patti, knew that taking special measures to ensure the safety of children was a must. The parish already had a Safety & Security Ministry, but specifically focusing on the safety of children was imperative. As parishioners and Fr. Dat made a plan for transparency and enforcement of safety protocols, the Guardian Angel Ministry was born.
Volunteers for the Guardian Angel Ministry are trained to follow protocols and best practices that protect children during parish activities, such as Faith Formation classes and youth group events. They are focused on “situational awareness, threat assessment, and service.” They keep track of the physical security of restrooms, entrances, and keep an eye out for signs of abuse.
Jim and Patti have volunteered for several events and ministries at St. Faustina’s, but Jim said that this one has blessed them abundantly. “It is so filled with the Holy Spirit, it’s almost tangible.” he said. Jim enjoys getting to see how youth are growing in faith and finds a great deal of happiness knowing he’s part of giving them the environment they deserve.
He is retired and understands that work and family generally make it difficult for parishioners to get involved. Yet, he says he has been so blessed by this work he would encourage anyone to step out in faith to serve God’s Church.
The hustle and bustle of daily life can make us prone to say “no” even to things God may be asking of us. At such times we should ask ourselves a few questions: What skills has God given me? How does he want me to share them? How am I using my time? Is it really all spent, or are there things I can do to rearrange my priorities?
So the next time you see a volunteer in a navy blue vest with reflective tape, remember they are present to ensure the safety of our children and thank them for serving in such a vital role!