The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which prospective Catholics unite with the faith community for the conversion of hearts. Generally, RCIA is for individuals who were never baptized or were baptized outside of the Catholic Church. Father Dat Hoang and the RCIA leaders welcome and initiate newcomers (Inquirers) through a program of liturgical, educational, and social events during the year.
RCIA leaders prepare the Inquirers to enter the Church using the teachings of our Lord in the Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition as taught by the Apostles and the prophets of the Old Testament. This the same faith that has been handed down for generations through the Church established by Christ. The RCIA team walks alongside the inquirers in this faith journey through the four-stage RCIA process that consists of the Precatechumenate, the Catechumenate, the Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogia.
Beginning in late August and continuing through Lent, the RCIA class meets on Sundays after the 9 a.m. Mass. Prayer, spiritual reading, and small group discussions are a part of each meeting. Questions are welcomed and encouraged in this relaxed, friendly environment. There are also two retreat Days of Reflection included in the preparation that allow inquirers to escape the busy world and spend time reflecting on our Lord.
Throughout this process, all those who participate grow in Christ together, forming lasting friendships with one another that last for years to come. Zulema Granie, who volunteers as St. Faustina’s RCIA Coordinator, says, “It would be impossible to spend nine months in RCIA and not build relationships with the candidates, catechumen, sponsors and the team. At the end of the program, the person that came in as an Inquirer has now become part of a family, part of the mystical body of Christ. This year at Easter Vigil the Elect welcomed forty people to the Church family. What a magnificent way to become part of the Catholic Church!”
People join the RCIA program for many different reasons. Some have heard the call of God, others come because a spouse is Catholic, many join out of curiosity and an interest in learning more about Catholicism, but, no matter the reason, the RCIA process results in spiritual growth, a deeper relationship with God, and a more complete understanding of the Catholic faith.
If you’re interested in learning more about the RCIA process at St. Faustina’s, contact Brian Lennox, the Director of Faith Formation at: