“What these [Greek Christian Fathers] meant was that the entire purpose of the Christian life was to make us, not simply better people, ethically upright, but to make us divine, to conform us to a participation in the life of the Trinity. Being holy, burning with the fire of God’s own life, is the point.”
The Strangest Way, page 29.
I came across this quote from a book by Bishop Robert Barron. I want to share with you, my beloved parishioners, that God’s plan for your life is not simply a task list of rules, or “godly activities.” God’s plan for your life is to walk in the Spirit, to be transformed, to have both passion and peace, and to share in His divine love that burns, yet does not scorch.
Remember the burning bush that Moses encountered? How it was burning, yet not consumed? What does that mean? Simply that God burned with infinite love, but not in a destructive way that harms us. Instead, in a way that gives us warmth, refines us, and can never be extinguished. God desires that your love for Him will imitate His love for you. You will undoubtedly experience seasons of spiritual dryness and even doubt. While you travel through those seasons recall that the “task list” of the Christian life, things like telling the truth, going to Sunday Mass, praying, serving your neighbor and so on, those things are good, even necessary, but they are only part of the Christian life. They are not the sum total. The true point is sharing in God’s divine love, which simply pours out as prayer and good works.
I encourage you to volunteer. Love your neighbor as yourself. Fast more. Pray more. Do more. But please never forget that God’s love is not so much concerned with results as it is concerned with renewing your mind and “replacing your heart of stone with a heart of flesh” (Ezekial 36:26). God is bigger than our efforts and bigger than the tasks of daily life. Although Jesus calls us to action, He also calls us to rest in His love. To receive His mercy, kindness, and His sweet gaze.
Take time this week to simply rest in silence before God. Praise Him not only for what He has done, but for who He is - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
P.S. As a reminder, we're in the midst of our Spiritual Campaign. Please pray the following prayer through December 8th:
Loving and Merciful God,
You have called us together as a community under the patronage of St. Faustina to tell the world of your Mercy. Bless and form our community, that we may truly be a place where your Love and Mercy is lived, experienced and shared. May we be the living extension of your welcoming embrace, so that every soul may be led to take refuge in your Unfathomable Mercy. Mold us and help us to grow according to your Holy Will. As we come together to build and expand your Heavenly Kingdom, open our hearts to generously place our gifts at your disposal with profound trust that You will bless and multiply them as You please. Guide our every step and increase your Mercy within us. We ask for Your guidance and blessing as we call upon the intercession of our Heavenly Mother and place our trust in You.