Holy Week is here! Some of us may be anxious about household Easter tasks and hosting family, and others may be excited to finally dig into treats given up during Lent. Still, others may be sad that Lent didn’t turn out how they had planned. Perhaps you can relate to all those emotions.
No matter where you start, the beauty of this week is the Person of Christ. Our God is so majestic and powerful, yet He sent His Son into the world to be “gentle and humble of heart,” (Matthew 11:29). Our God is personal; flesh and blood. While holding the universe in His hands, He simultaneously cares about the details of your life.
I want to encourage you to spend Holy Week diving into the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist - less from a theological perspective and more from a personal one, where you encounter Jesus and build trust, unity, and even friendship with Him. Consider all of the connections from the Old Testament to the New and be grateful that God wanted you to be part of His perfect plan.
While pursuing your relationship with Christ, here is another question to ask yourself this Holy Week: How can I be more like our Lord? One answer is to connect with others! Go to our evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, or come to the Easter Vigil instead of your usual Easter morning Mass. Do something slightly out of your comfort zone. This may be difficult if you consider yourself introverted or not a “people person.” It may even be difficult for extroverts! But offer up that temporary discomfort and ask the Lord to allow you to connect with others the way He did; ask Him to show you to love like He did. He will not fail in guiding you.
This Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week, we will be offering extra opportunities for Confession:
Good Friday, April 19: 10am-12pm and 1-3pm
Monday, April 22: 6-7pm
Tuesday, April 23: 6-7pm
Wednesday, April 24: 5:30-7pm
Thursday, April 25: 6-6:30pm
Friday, April 26: 6-7pm