Please pray this prayer with your family.
Thank you!
Merciful and Loving God!
We give you thanks for the abundant love and blessings you have given us.
We give you thanks for calling us together to lay the foundation and
to build your kingdom in this part of the world.
For you are the Potter and we are the clay.
Mold our hearts Lord, that we may be a community that lives and radiates your Mercy.
Help us to build a place that truly reflects your glory,
a refuge where souls may find rest in the sweetness of your Love.
We consecrate to you all that we do, all that we are,
that we may grow according to your Holy Design.
Bless and expand our hearts, so we may be generously open to you,
to one another and to all whom you send to us.
Give us your inspired wisdom and courage to be good stewards of Your many gifts.
Draw us together in unity and love, and fashion us as your holy people, a temple with Christ as our Cornerstone.
Through the intercession and inspiration of Saint Faustina, may we tell the world of your Mercy.
We offer you these prayers as we proclaim with faith and confidence:
“Jesus, I trust in You!” Amen.