Explore your legacy-giving plans to build God’s kingdom at Saint Faustina Catholic Church. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10).” Begin to explore your St. Faustina Catholic legacy planning and giving.
We all cherish the physical gifts that God has given us. But we all know that we can not take them with us when we die. As much time we have spent accumulating, growing, and possessing those worldly possessions, we should take ample time to prepare a plan to pass those gifts along.
The types of legacy gifts should fit your goals. St. Faustina has lots of plans to serve the community and build the Kingdom of God. Current gifts that would help are cash, appreciated marketable stocks, and real estate. Future gifts could be included in one’s will to be given at death.
Offering this service at no charge.
Contact: St. Faustina Catholic Church
Legacy Coordinator
Email: finance@saintfaustinachurch.org with Subject: Legacy Planning
Parish Office: (346)773-3500
(Your confidentiality and information will be maintained)