Mass intentions are a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. Each Mass celebrated has an intention. Most intentions are for our deceased loved ones, but other occasions are also prayed for such as for the health of, anniversaries, special birthdays, and others.
Stipend—It is an ancient Christian tradition for the faithful to give an offering for a requested Mass intention. However, Canon Law regulates this matter very strictly. The Mass stipend is a donation, not the price you pay for Mass. Stipends are a free-will offering. You decide the amount that you wish to donate.
Mass requests are granted as close to the requested date as possible or to the next closest open date and or time. Under some circumstances, we may need to send out your request to other parishes if we cannot honor your specific needs.
Mass intentions may be requested by a personal visit to the church office to ensure correct information is being noted. Requests are limited to three intentions per person per year.
Mass intentions may be requested by contacting the church office at 346-773-3500 although a personal visit to the office is preferred to ensure correct information is being noted.