As Fr. Dat mentioned in his column, finding time for daily prayer isn’t always easy, but it is essential to our lives as Christians. Since next month is dedicated to Our Lady and the Rosary, it’s the perfect time to get to know this beautiful form of prayer better.
We know that praying a whole rosary can be a challenge, so here’s some helpful tips for incorporating it into your daily life.
Pray the Rosary in Segments - If you aren’t up for sitting down and praying all 5 decade at a time, consider praying the decades throughout your day. For example, a decade as you get ready for your day, a decade as the coffee brews, a decade on your commute, a decade on your way home, and a decade before you go to bed.
Use your fingers as a Rosary - Concerned you don’t always have a Rosary when you have time to pray? No worries - luckily you have the same number of fingers as Hail Marys in a decade, so you’re all set!
Invite someone to pray with you - Do you have a housemate who would be up for praying each evening with you? A spouse? How about starting to pray the Rosary once per week as a family? There’s nothing like accountability!
Start with a decade - If an entire Rosary is too big of a commitment, consider building your prayer habits by starting with just a single decade of focused, faithful, prayer.
Pray during a regular activity - If you find it hard to remember to pray, try tying the habit to something else you do regularly. For example, take a walk during your kids’ sports practices and pray the Rosary. Pray during your commute each morning. Pray while dinner cooks in the oven.
Set an Alarm - If commiting to praying the Rosary is important to you, add it to your daily alarms! That way you’ll have a consistent reminder to make it a priority.
Follow a Guide - Do you find it difficult to remember the mysteries of the Rosary or which prayers to pray on which beads? There are tons of guides out there. Check out this free online one by Dynamic Catholic.
Reflect on the Mysteries of the Rosary - The Rosary is much more than a large quantity of Hail Marys. Its a chance to enter into the life of Jesus and Our Lady. Next time you pray the Mystery of the Annunciation, for example, spend time thinking about how Mary must have felt when approached to become the Mother of God and how you are being called to say “yes” to God’s will in your life.
Pray with us at Saint Faustina! - Every Wednesday after the 8:30 Mass, parishioners gather to pray the Rosary. We’d love to pray with you.
Make Rosaries - What better way to grow in devotion than to make Rosaries to give to others? Come and learn how to make Rosaries on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at the parish. Learn more here.