It’s officially October, which means our annual Trunk or Treat event is coming up soon! This will be the third year that St. Faustina hosts this fun event for the children of our parish and our community.
It’s essential for St. Faustina to invest in our children through these types of events. We are building a bridge of trust each time we provide a safe, positive, and welcoming experience for our youngest parishioners. We desire that each child feels comfortable and at home in the Church, knowing that they are a truly important part of the parish family. This sense of belonging is what will keep them active in our parish for many years to come and help them come to know the love of Jesus.
We need your help to make our Trunk or Treat a success. Feeling creative? Decorate a trunk with your favorite theme and pass out candy. If that’s not your thing, we are in need of bags of candy. Donations can be dropped off in the parish office. There are many other ways to get involved with this great event. Visit the parish website to fill out the form and someone will reach out to you.
It may be the candy and the fun of dressing up in their favorite costumes that keeps kids coming back to our Trunk or Treat year after year, but we can always take the opportunity to center all of our activities on sharing the love of Christ. Consider dressing up as a saint, decorating your trunk with a Catholic theme in mind, or including a Bible verse with the candy that you distribute. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself to the families who make their way to your trunk. As you give out candy to the children, give out prayers and encouragement to their parents by asking them if there is anything they need prayers for in their lives.
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on October 26th from noon to 2 pm for St. Faustina 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat. Invite a friend!