Teens, parents, and volunteers are invited to join us Sep 4- Oct 15 for a 33-day Marian consecration entitled 33 Days to Morning Glory. This is a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat booklet that will lead users to giving our lives and the St. Faustina Faith Formation program to Him in service and love. We have the books already; we just need YOUR commitment! Contact John at jvalentino@saintfaustinachurch.org. Click here for more information.
Currently there are several groups on the schedule to study: "Mary, A Biblical Walk" and "Unlocking the Mysteries of the Bible" New groups will continue to form through September. For more information, click here.
Sept. 30-Oct. 2 at La Torretta Lake Resort and Spa, Conroe, Texas. We truly hope you join us. Whether you are a young family with kids (we have babysitting!), or a student just finishing college. Whether you haven’t been to church in years or discerning religious life. You have a place at Encounter! We are about community coming together to enjoy three days of relaxation, worship and a life giving Encounter with Jesus. Click here for more information.
"What is the man doing? Is he mad? Does he want the world to fall about our ears?" Join the worldwide Magnificat family by subscribing now: Your prayer life will never be the same! Click here for more....
Youth Choir rehearses on select Saturday afternoons. Auditions are on - going for those who are interested to join the choir. We need male singers too! For more information, click here.
Kiosk can be found in the Parish Center every day - Lighthouse Catholic Media filled with CDs, DVDs, Books and Booklets from some of your favorite authors. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for yourself and to share with others!
Knights of Columbus want to make our community better. All skill levels are welcome in this ministry to help others and fix things for those in need in Fulshear. Click here for more information.
Amidst joyful festivities, Kraków pilgrims try to understand mercy. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7) Mercy—the official theme of World Youth Day 2016—is not just a buzzword here. It’s a virtue that is being explored and put into practice. It’s also the focus of all the catechesis, or teaching sessions, available to WYD pilgrims. Click here for more
PRAY FOR VOCATIONS - TAKE THE TRAVELING CHALICE HOME If you would like to host the chalice in your home and pray for vocations. You can sign up at the hospitality table after Mass. Click here for more information.