Bring a Prayer, Take a Prayer: bring a prayer on a slip of paper, drop it in the basket on the way in to Mass. On the way out of Mass, take a prayer. Pray that person’s prayer during the week
Saturday, October 15th: Evangelization Event. 6-8th Grade (CCH) - Chapter 9 & 11. High School (CFHY) - Chapters 1 & 4. Click here for more information.
When it comes to clothing, what a person wears can make a dramatic statement. The same can be said about Catholic priests who wear layers upon layers of vestments, specific garments that are worn when carrying out their priestly functions. “The vestments, first and foremost, set Liturgy apart,” said Chris Labadie, associate director for Liturgical Formation, Office of Worship with the Archdiocese. “If a person, even a non-Catholic, walks into a room and sees a priest vested for Mass they know that something different is happening.”
You cannot serve two masters...Pray for prisoners of addictions of bad habits; address your own prisons. Gospel reading: Luke 16:1-13. Click here for more information.
Freedom Place: Once a Summer Camp, Now a Home for Healing When Freedom Place opened its doors in 2012, it was Texas’s first residential treatment center for domestic children who are victims of sex trafficking.
EWTN offers an all-Spanish network, EWTN Español! With original Spanish programming, please check it out at Then spread the word by telling others about EWTN Español! If you want more information about the network, and how to let others know about EWTN Español, contact Walter Cordova at 281-298-5207 or write to