What words immediately spring to mind when you think of “ordinary”? You might think something like “nothing special,” or maybe “humdrum,” or possibly even “not important.” The word “ordinary” is charged with all these meanings, and sadly we carry them over into our attitude toward the liturgical season that we call “Ordinary Time.” But Ordinary Time is meant to be anything but “ordinary.”
It may seem like yesterday to some, but there are many in our community who don’t know the inspiring story of how our parish came to be. “In just a few short years, Saint Faustina Catholic Church located in Fulshear, Texas, has grown from its inception to nearly 3,200 families. The journey has been exciting, rewarding and memorable,” says Brenda Gillespie, current Business Manager and one of the founding members of the parish.
“Sharing Jesus’ Divine Mercy is our call,” Jim Billingham shares. Since we know that children learn better in environments in which they are comfortable, the Guardian Angel Ministry is helping ensure the next generation is well-formed in faith.
There is a fine line between religious devotion of heart and religious devotion of obligation. Have you ever met someone who seems to be “clocking in” on Sunday, but acts unchanged by the Gospel for the rest of the week? There is some good in merely showing up. Being present at Mass shows that this person believes attending Mass is right and will do the right thing even when they may not feel like it. It shows the power of creating holy habits. Morning prayer, Mass attendance, Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy- these are all good steps toward God. Yet...
Since 2015, our Small Christian Communities have been vital to the ministry of St. Faustina’s. What began with around one hundred people has grown to include three hundred twenty-seven parishioners who are placed into thirty small groups. What is it that draws hundreds of parishioners to become part of these small groups?
As you may know, our new Music Director is Mr. Geoffrey Say, who comes to us by way of Napa, California. Geoffrey has worked in the music ministry for more than 37 years in various capacities as a choir director, pianist, organist, voice coach, and music director. His life truly is an example of the amazing things that happen when you say “yes!” to God.
The beginning of the New Year has been a time for me to consider, as your pastor, ways in which we can strengthen our parish community, our connection to one another and to the Lord. To that end, I am happy to introduce you to our very first online newsletter, which I hope will be one way - among many - to invite you to enter further into the life of our parish.
We can learn much from the life of St. Faustina, the patroness of our parish. As the patron saint of mercy she is someone we can all look to for guidance, especially young people! What a wonderful namesake for our young, growing parish.