Every family has its favorite family stories that serve as the foundation of the family’s identity. These family stories bind the members of the family closer together, and give them a common identity that helps them to function effectively in the world as a family-unit.
As we make our way through this Lenten season, you might find yourself weary. This is a very common struggle for the faithful! The fervor that we had at the beginning of the season may have turned to exhaustion, or even resentment for the sacrifices we committed to.
Mike Guerrette had a dream – to help more of his brothers and sisters in Christ find or transition into careers they found more meaningful and fulfilling, careers where they could really place the talents and passion God had given them at the service of others, and build Christ’s Kingdom on earth. From this dream was born St. Faustina’s “Career Transition Ministry” (CTM).
In today’s fast-paced, Internet-driven world, two essentials that are often missing in the lives of most women are real, authentic relationships with one another and time spent growing in relationship with Christ. Women are expected to juggle more today than at any other time in history as they work to balance family, careers, and other responsibilities that pull them in every direction. Often, what gets left off the to-do list is carving out time for meaningful, faith-based relationships, but women need the support of these friendships to help them navigate life.
The Penitential Rite of the Mass is a series of prayers that begin with the priest saying, “Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries,” and ending with the Collect Prayer said immediately before the First Reading.
On March 19 we celebrate the first of St. Joseph’s two feast days. The Solemnity in March celebrates St. Joseph as the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary; her provider, protector, and chaste companion. Shortly following, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. This day is dedicated to remembering when the Angel Gabriel came to the Blessed Mother and announced that she would conceive Jesus our Messiah.
People in today’s society are very focused on independence and having a “do it yourself” attitude. While there is something noble in that way of thinking, as we grow older we may find ourselves struggling to do everything on our own. God made us to live in communion with one another and to rely on one another. The HANDE ministry not only accomplishes home repair tasks for the disabled, elderly and homebound, it forges connections and replaces isolation with community.