This spring, St. Faustina parishioners participated in our first annual “Camping With Jesus” event. People of all ages enjoyed a time of fellowship and greatly appreciated the opportunity to come together for two essentials when camping with Jesus - s’mores and Adoration.
Sharmila Jayatilleke reminds us, “God's two greatest commandments are to love God and love others.” Through parish involvement, particularly service, the Jayatilleke family has found a true spiritual home at St. Faustina.
Let me ask you something. When was the last time you made it through Mass without getting distracted? When was the last time you made it through the first five minutes of Mass without getting distracted? For that matter, when was the last time you made it through the entrance procession without getting distracted? Be honest…
This Memorial Day we will honor the men and women who have died while serving in the armed forces. It’s a holiday that brings both a solemn feeling as well as a celebratory one: we ponder the meaning of sacrifice and are saddened by the consequences of war, yet we enjoy family time and summer fun during the long weekend because we know their sacrifices have allowed us to live in freedom. We want beauty to come from ashes. This ambivalence (having mixed or even contradictory emotions) reminds me of the Christian martyrs.
Picture this. It’s Friday evening. You call a close friend to invite them over for dinner on Sunday. Your friend is thrilled with the invitation and asks, “What can I bring?” You don’t really want to put them out, so you say, “Why don’t you bring a salad.” Your friend agrees, and you both hang up the phone, eagerly awaiting your Sunday evening meal.
Steve and Cheryl Steadman have been happily married for thirty-four years, but it’s within this past year that they have experienced tremendous spiritual growth together as a couple. Cheryl, a cradle Catholic, and Steve, a Protestant, raised their sons Ethan and Dillion in the Baptist faith. They lived life together making the most of their spiritual similarities without making too much of a fuss over their differences.
May is such a wonderful time in our faith. While awaiting Pentecost, we witness First Communions and Confirmations, and usually school graduations toward the end of the month. Most importantly, we honor the Mother of Our Lord in a special way. May is the “month of Mary” and it is my hope is that each of us will become closer to her in the coming days.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which prospective Catholics unite with the faith community for the conversion of hearts. Generally, RCIA is for individuals who were never baptized or were baptized outside of the Catholic Church. Father Dat Hoang and the RCIA leaders welcome and initiate newcomers (Inquirers) through a program of liturgical, educational, and social events during the year.