Roughly two years ago, Pack Leader Jeremy Odell met Brian Lennox, a parishioner of St. Faustina, and recognized that the values-based organization would need to partner with a church. This year Mr. O’Dell expects over 150 scouts to participate in Pack 106. This particular pack has one of the best retention rates in the Houston area. “In our group at the Cub Scout level, we are a family based program. We encourage the whole family to get involved in camping and all activities. Anytime you’re there together as a family, you are building the family bond, and passing on principles of faith,” said Odell.
On September 14, as the Church celebrates the Exaltation of the Cross, we’d like to do a little something called “typology.” Whoa there! Stay with us. We could almost see your eyes glazing over. Don’t be scared off by the theological jargon. Typology is one of the oldest, simplest, and most exciting forms of biblical interpretation. And once you know how to do it, it’ll really make the Scriptures come alive for you. “Typology” simply means that we look for parallels between Jesus and the persons and events of the Old Testament. It’s like playing a game of biblical connect-the-dots.
Fall is a wonderful season, but it can be an unbearably busy one. School, sports, music lessons, and all sorts of activities pick up from their summer break. In the busyness of this season, I want to encourage you to invest in your spiritual health. Spiritual health is not just having happy feelings about God. In fact, a person can be spiritually healthy while having doubts or confusion about God’s role in their life. The key is to be ordered toward God, even in the struggle. I would argue that building habits that point you toward God is paramount in the Christian life.
Innovator, educator, entrepreneur, and a Catholic creative, Janisse Valenzuela has been on a journey since her childhood that has led her to her current role as Coordinator of Family Life at St. Faustina. Janisse was born and raised in a Catholic family as the youngest of four daughters. Her mother laid a foundation of a deep love for Scripture, the rosary, and Mass within her early years of life. These things were part of the routine in her household, but, as often happens to the best of us, Janisse did not fully understand the value of the habits her mom instilled.
Parents in Fulshear and all around us are busy taking all the necessary steps to prepare children to go back to school. We want to help the children of our parish start the school year with their minds and hearts focused on Jesus. Take a break from shopping and doctor’s appointments to join us at St. Faustina’s Annual Back to School Bash on August 21st from 5:30-7:30 pm. There will be food, Kona Ice, and games. Don’t forget to bring your bookbags because at 6:30 we will gather in front of the church for the Blessing of the Backpacks.
You’ve been at Mass for an hour now and things are beginning to wind down. This Sunday has been pretty good. You’ve paid attention during the readings. Father’s homily was remarkably insightful. The music was spot on. And, although they felt long and your mind wandered a bit, you were actually able to pull some spiritual insights from the Eucharistic Prayers today (fueled, of course, by these wonderful little articles that you’ve been reading in the parish Newsletter each month…).
As kids, teens, and college students head back to school, each family will be challenged to choose the right activities for them. Every parent and caregiver wants to give their children the best that life has to offer, so it’s easy to become overwhelmed when looking at the choices of extracurricular activities. Can you really squeeze in another piano lesson in between school, volleyball practice, robotics club, and parish youth group?